In-House Services

Mechanized Housekeeping & Cleaning Services

To make urban lifestyle more refined, Clean & Care focuses on transforming the outlook and interiors of flats and villas through its mechanized housekeeping and cleaning services. By establishing a good rapport with residential governing associations, we implement our extensive services and succeed in presenting clean, hygienic and safe homes. We have collaborated with the reputed organisation Kudumbashree to deploy trained and experienced staff for overseeing different kinds of housekeeping procedures and management. Our professionals are meticulous enough to implement only advanced equipment and healthy standards in regards to cleaning, sanitising and setting fresh, odourless and beautiful ambience, both indoors and outside in alternative days of the week.

At Care & Clean, we are equipped with the best machinery and workforce to deliver superlative mechanized housekeeping services. Our experienced crew have the expertise to know and understand the requirement of each and every room of a house and provide services accordingly. With their expert hands they will effortlessly take care of the living room, bedroom, guest room, study room, etc. and make the entire house super neat and clean. Our professionals are extremely careful while handling and cleaning moveable and immovable things in one’s house. They will ensure that every corner and space in your flats is dust-free and looks squeaky and sparkling clean. Floors, walls, ceiling, furniture, carpets, curtains and more – we will literally leave no stones looking dirty in your house! Trust our efficient, mechanized housekeeping services and enjoy the highest standards of sanitation.

To maintain good health, it is essential that you maintain your kitchen clean and hygienic. We give special care and attention to the kitchen, dining room and other food-related areas in the house. We will not only ensure that the cleanliness is retained in these areas but see that they are properly sanitised, feel and smell fresh. Everything that comes under the kitchen section, including shelves, windows, doors, cabinets, stove, sink, etc. will be taken care of by our housekeeping experts. They will handle the washing of dirty utensils and disposing of kitchen waste appropriately as well. We also offer separate housekeeping services on special occasions when you might have get-together and post that your kitchen would be a mess.

Want efficient cleaning services for your bathrooms? Switch to the mechanized housekeeping services at Care & Clean. Washroom areas are highly prone to germs which might trigger any kind of disease. Therefore, one cannot afford to neglect the sanitation of such areas within their houses. By providing mechanized services on every alternate day, our professionals will clean and sanitise toilets and bathrooms precisely, leaving them to smell fresh and good. We use only high quality and non-toxic cleaning agents to clean the bathroom and toilet surfaces, tiles, windows, etc. Every nook and corner of the said areas will be taken care of and ensured that there is no dirt, bad odour and germs. Leave them smelling fresh and fragrant

Trust our housekeeping services to brighten and tidy up your interiors! Care & Clean are the only IN-HOUSE Mechanized Housekeeping Services in the industry that can be completely relied on up. You don’t have to fret over dusting and mopping your furniture and fixtures. Our professionals can easily take over the responsibility and give you a highly satisfactory result. We provide customised services to suit individual house furniture and other interior decors, without any damage to your things and inconvenience. The team of Care & Clean will clean all your furniture and fixtures perfectly and efficiently on alternative days. We have the specific cleaning equipment to carry out the tasks and keep the equipment germ free and sparkling clean. Our trained crew will efficiently carry out all the required cleaning procedures in a very organised and professional manner.

Cleaning electrical gadgets and equipment on regularly basis could be tiring as well as annoying. But to maintain their durability and working conditions, it is unavoidable to neglect them. Care &Clean’s mechanized housekeeping services will help you to keep all your electrical and electronic appliances and equipment dust-free and also shining free from cobwebs. We have experienced technicians amongst our team who with the high-end machinery and effective cleaning concepts will handle your expensive items with extreme care and safety. Our services include cleaning, oiling and other servicing of such items to ensure that they remain in good condition and run smoothly.

Our IN-HOUSE Services

About Our Master Company

As the leading business enterprise in Kerala, Careone Hospitality & Educational Services (P) Ltd, has nearly two decades of experience and industry expertise in offering broad range of services pertaining to Hospitality and Education.

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Contact Info

116 Sreyas Nagar, Ollukkara P O Thrissur

+91 94478 33209